Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why do people care?

This is a dinky little blog in a tiny little corner of cyberspace. Not too much of any real significance has been posted in this space that started off poking fun at the antics of the so-called 'dr life.' My real life even keeps me from posting with any kind of frequency.

So why does anyone care whether or not I believe in God (I do)? Why would anyone think they could sway me to another point of view with their own rather venomous rantings (btw, 'Penelope', if you're still out there, a humanist generally doesn't entitle her blog 'You Are All Morons' if she wants to be taken seriously)? Who cares if what I post is stupid?

I'm not bothered by insults thrown in cyberspace by people I don't know. Why would anyone else be bothered? I could be some 13 year old boy tapping away at my computer cackling to myself over every post and every insult. Do you really care what that kid thinks?

I'm just surprised that people are continuing to visit this blog and even take the time to comment at all. Hey, and if you do want to insult me, come on work your brain a little bit. Be proud of your insult, show some creativity, be original! If I get enough really good ones (four letter words are NOT tolerated and all such comments will be deleted, I'm just that way), maybe I'll create a hall of fame here on this blog.


Mrs. Short Attention Span said...

To get the ball rolling, I'll start:

This blog is so dull, I can't keep my monitor from going into sleep mode while I'm posting.

See? That was reasonably creative.

Mrs. Short Attention Span said...

Alas, I had so hoped that people would be more creative than to accuse this blogger of sucking stuff.

Any others?